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Mobile Assessment Center (MAC)

HPD’s Patrol District 8, Ewa/Makaha, possesses the highest concentration of status offenses on the island. (Status offenses are noncriminal acts that are considered to be violations due to the youth’s status as a minor which includes truancy, running away from home, violating curfew, and being beyond parental control.)


AFY’s Mobile Assessment Center provides an alternative to youths’ entry into the juvenile justice system through a citation-based diversion program. AFY staff outreach to cited youth, assess their needs, and connect them to appropriate services. The highest-risk youth are referred to AFY’s Ewale Pule 8-week program, which consists of exposing youth to programs in their communities. By collaborating with other agencies and community service providers, AFY aims to uplift youths’ self-confidence and provide them with the support they need.

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